Our preprint Visualisation of chemical shielding tensors (VIST) to elucidate aromaticity and antiaromaticity reports an exciting new method for the visualisation of chemical shielding tensors in the context of molecular structures. VIST is a powerful but also flexible and lightweight computational tool to elucidate (anti)aromaticity.
VIST provides a quantitative aromaticity criterion in connection with an intuitive visual representation. We are convinced it is a much-needed extension to the toolbox of chemists studying (anti)aromaticity or considering it in their molecular design.
The work was led by our collaborator Dr. Felix Plasser. You can read more about the VIST method and the idea behind it in the blog post on his website.

F. Plasser, F. Glöcklhofer, Visualisation of chemical shielding tensors (VIST) to
elucidate aromaticity and antiaromaticity, ChemRxiv 2021, 10.26434/chemrxiv.13580885. [Preprint link, open access]